I walked into the lunch room at work this morning to a scene of food, incense and candles. Having an idea of what was going on, I asked my female co-worker, (Co-Worker 1) who was setting things up if she was having a seance to be funny.
Another male co-worker (Co-Worker 2) in the room and I exchanged some words after:
Co-worker 2 - SHUT UP. You know what this is!!!
Me - Uh, not really.
Co-worker 2 - Yes you do, you're Indian.
Me - No, I'm not. You are stupid.
Co-worker 2 - I thought you were Indian or Pakistani.
Me - I'm Pakistani.
Co-worker 2 - Don't Pakistanis celebrate Divali? I thought they celebrated the same holidays.
Me - No they dont, and you're stupid.
Co-Worker 1 didn't say anything. But knowing her, probably laughed to herself.